Nathalie Balcaen, administrator-general at the Maritime Services and Coastal Agency moderated the panel discussion around women in the coast guard, supporting the Project Olivia to get more women working in the maritime world. The results of the international survey were presented by Sofie Rommelaere of the Maritime Services and Coast Agency. Thanks to the survey of ECGFF member states and the agencies EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency), EFCA (European Fisheries Control Agency) and Frontex (the European Border and Coast Guard Agency), we now possess concrete figures and substantial evidence on the under-representation of women within Coast Guard organisations in Europe.
There were candid personal testimonies from Portugal's Cátia Tomás who is captain of a Portuguese Coast Guard patrol boat, Mónica Martins captain of several Portuguese naval vessels and ex-helicopter pilot and Silvia Brini, who is head of the Viareggio Coast Guard, off Tuscany in Italy. Each of these strong women serves as a role model and can be an inspiration for women in the maritime sector.
Finally, Luisa Matias explained all the initiatives EMSA is taking to attract more women to the maritime sector. And the message from Marit Matik of EFCA was clear: do the things that "call" to you and jump into the maritime world where we are all part of a great family!